ELYSIS among future environmental leaders at the Detroit Climate Leadership Conference
ELYSIS among future environmental leaders at the Detroit Climate Leadership Conference
Vincent Christ, Chief Executive Officer of ELYSIS, presents in Detroit the innovations that ELYSIS™ technology has made possible for the aluminum industry as part of the Climate Leadership Conference (March 4-6, 2020).
Participating in the plenary conversation "Accelerating the Clean Energy Revolution through Technology and Investment" alongside Kyung-Ah Park (Goldman Sachs) and Ethan Zindler (Bloomberg NEF), Vincent Christ discusses the contribution of breakthrough technologies in fostering the energy transition.
Using a revolutionary smelting process that eliminates all direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emits pure oxygen as its by-product, the ELYSIS™ technology is strategically positioned to enable businesses to grow in a sustainable manner.
You can watch Vincent Christ's talk through this livestream: https://climateleadershipconference.org/2020-livestream at 16:30 on March 5, 2020.